Thursday, November 3, 2011

Your time is now.

There are so many excuses that we tell ourselves as to why we cannot be in shape or work towards a healthy life style. Do any of these sound familiar?

I’m to old.

I’m way too out of shape.

I’m not strong enough to do that.

I don’t have the time.

I’ll do it later.

I’m not that out of shape/health.

You know what the real excuse is??? Fear. We are fearful that we will fail, thus we never start in the first place.

I find this fear, well frustrating. I can speak from experience, that fear has kept me from achieving some incredible things in my life, and to this day, it still keeps me living a smaller version of my true self.

In terms of getting healthy, for me my fear was wrapped up in failing; I never pushed myself as hard as I could, I never made enough time for real change, and I always made excuses as to why I was out of shape/health. And growing up in a culture that was obsessed with ultra tin and skinny women as a symbol of beauty, in my head I never stood a chance of being healthy or in shape because my goal was based on unrealistic notions. It has taken me most of my life to recognize that who I am is, who I am meant to be. Learning that lesson and continuing to live that lesson as my truth, my whole outlook on myself changed and my perceived notions of what is healthy and beautiful have thus changed.

Now, health and fitness are a part of who I am on every level. It’s funny there are people in my life who have put up barriers to my new self, and from my perception it is based on their own fears of what it means to be healthy and what it means to make the necessary changes to do so. I am learning not to make excuses for how I live my life, and conversely I am learning how to share my knowledge in a loving and compassionate way, versus a pushy and elitist sort of way.

What I know is that it has taken me the majority of my adult life to come to a place of peace and acceptance about who I am, what my body looks like, and how I choose to feel. Thankfully, I also have come to recognize that life is a continuous journey, always allowing us the opportunity to arrive at a new destination. That belief of life as a process, allows me the opportunity to work hard, all the while being gentle with myself throughout the process.

If we continue to believe our own excuses, then it will become our reality. Creating a healthy life-style takes work, motivation, and support. If you are willing to work for change, then motivation and support will find you. If you are not wiling to take the steps, small and or big, to even start the journey, you will never arrive. Creating change in your own life is not easy for most people; I challenge you to create one intention for yourself, an intention that you know you can achieve. And once you achieve what you set out to achieve, celebrate your accomplishments, then create another intention.

My intention for this week is: I stick to my plan of working out everyday until I leave for my vacation, so that I can feel good about my accomplishments and so that while on vacation I don’t get “down” on myself for not working out.

Here are some questions for you to think about:

What would it feel like to create a daily intention and celebrate your achievement of it?

Where does fear show up in your life?

What changes do you want to make for yourself, and haven’t due to the excuses that you tell yourself?

I would love to hear from you, and if you have a topic you’d like to see in this blog please let me know.

Hope you are all well.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who I Am…revisited.

I have been reflecting lately. I have been living my life this past year or so on the coattails of a new relationship and all that that entails, and in the process of learning so much about someone else and sharing me with him, I seemed to have gone a bit astray from my center. How did I know that I was out of balance? Well, I started feeling really overwhelmed, without cause to be overwhelmed. I fully realized the scope of my out-of- whackness, when I reached out to a fellow coach and asked her to help me. I wasn’t sure what type of help I was wanting, but I knew that together we would make that discovery.

This past Monday was our second session, and it was really powerful. I have to admit, that I have been removed from life coaching on a daily basis with clients, and having a coach myself, and I was pleasantly reminded of the simple power that a skilled coach has. Within a few minutes of our session, as if I hit a brick wall, I was faced with not knowing my very own vision and purpose statements.

While I was in coaching school, I spent months crafting a vision statement and a purpose statement, that were meant to be used as touchstones for me to reconnect with my True self and remember to always honor my True self, and there I was this past Monday not remembering. After some long pauses and some thoughtful questions, I was able to remember a little…not all, but a little. What was most important about this experience, was that I began to feel an enormous amount of energy surging through my body, as if my core being had been starved of this information, and getting a little bit of it was making me come alive again. When I was in coaching school, I was invigorated, curios, productive, authentic, and my whole self. I have only been a part of that lately, and tasting a bit of what I know is possible, has awakened my hunger to taste, feel, live and have all of what I am capable of.

Here is what I know, when I live, love, and come from a place of truth; I am unstoppable. I also know that when I live from a place of complacency, and expectation, from myself and from others, I am tired, not motivated, and anxious. I choose to live radiantly, thus from a place of my own personal truth.

Here is my Vision Statement:

I am explosive gorgeous energy, Delicious paradox, consciously grounded, Truthteller, optimistic, infectiously passionate, uncontained, spontaneous lover of life.

My Purpose is motivated by deep love and sincerity. I challenge peoples’ boundaries with infinite compassion. I transcend limits and exude possibility. I acknowledge inner beauty. I am Present and balanced. I organically cultivate health and healing. I radiate love, and live honestly. I encourage people to reach their highest potential.

It feels so good to say that out loud. I have not shared this part of me, openly, for a long time, and it is clearly overdue. I am making a commitment to reconnect with my true self, so that I can live a more meaningfully, be more authentic, and help people achieve their goals.

Here are some thoughts for you:

Have you ever crafted a vision or purpose statement? If so, what are they?

Are you living in align with your true-self?

What would it feel like to always live authentically?

Where in your life could you connect more with your vision and or purpose?

I would love to hear from some of you on this topic.

Be brave and share.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I get lost sometimes

As I am trying to get a new business off the ground I am reminded of some of my flaws in time management. I will be the first to admit, that creating a schedule is not the easiest for me to do, nor is it one of my strongest skills. Despite the fact that I know this about myself, I am still here dealing with it, yet again.

I am pretty aware of how I loose time. I loose time to Facebook, to my dog, to my relationships, to house work, to cooking, to cleaning, and pretty much to anything that keeps me from the real issue at hand. What am I avoiding? I’ll tell you what I’m avoiding, I have a belief that I am not good at organization and details, plain and simple. I have held this belief for so long, that I have given it a lot of power, power to manifest itself into truth. So here I am at a crossroads, I can either continue to hold this belief that I have and allow it to block me from moving forward, or I can choose to create a new belief.

I am going for the later, however, I will tell you this my old belief is strong and is not wanting to disappear quickly. I am struggling. In order for me to move through this, it is necessary for me to literally create a new belief system around how I want to create a positive and successful plan for running my business and managing my time. My new belief is this: Organization and paying attention to details is not scary, in fact when done properly these two skills can be extremely gratifying.

So that is my new belief, now how am I going to implement it? Here comes the work. I am working with my own Coach to help me set specific manageable goals weekly to get me organized and ready for action. Every week I am writing my goals down and sending them to her, so that she can assist me in staying accountable to myself. I am also scheduling out my days differently than I have in the past. Since I have a fair amount of flexibility in my work schedule, I find that I get occupied with other things before attending to work, thus mis-managing my time. This week I am going to start scheduling my days and weeks differently. Right now, I have numerous calendars; one on my phone, one on my computer, and a paper one that I tote around in my bag…. and I don’t think that is helping my cause at all. I am feeling that it is important to have one central calendar. So this week, I am consolidating all my calendars and next week, I will start the week off with one….I’ll let you know how it goes.

Even writing this feels a little overwhelming. All that said, I want to be successful, thus it is imperative for me to make some changes.

Here are a few questions for you to ponder:

What do you get lost in?

How do you manage your time?

Do you have a belief that is holding you back from becoming something greater than you are? If so, what is it? What are you willing to do about it?

Have you ever intentionally changed a belief?

Part of my process of moving forward and keeping myself accountable is attending to this blog more often. Getting my thoughts out and sharing them with you all, gets me pretty fired up. I am hoping that this blog will become a bit more cohesive and will grow, as I do.

Thanks for all your support, and as always I’d love to hear from you.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You'll know when you're ready

You’ll know when you are ready.

I am a very intuitive person. I listen to myself and pay close attention to what I am doing in the world and what is happening in the world around me. In my social life, I can be a bit impulsive, which I really like about myself, and in my professional life I am different. I have been very lucky in my adult life to have had the opportunity to try many different career hats on, and although to an outsider my path my look crazy and sometimes directionless, I have been at choice and in charge of my own path. What I know about my process in making big life decisions is this: I am an internal over-thinker at first, then I progress to an external analyzer (this step often times requires the listening ear of a good friend), and then I make a decision.

Making decisions big or small is not easy. I remember very clearly agonizing over what college to go, thinking that this one decision was going to determine the entirety of my whole life. Looking back on that process, yes it was a very big decision for me to make, and dare I say my first real adult one at that, but it most definitely has not determine the course of my life, I am in charge of that. What I have learned over the course of the last 10 years or so, is that decisions are in fact powerful, but I am in charge of that power. Honestly making tough decisions used to terrify me, to the point of inaction, which subsequently is a choice in and of it’s self, and that was a consequence of losing my own power and giving it over to the decision.

I love making decisions now, it is mighty empowering. As you all know, I am now a health and fitness coach, and I am working hard promoting living a healthy life, so that other people will want to make the choice to live a healthy life too. It is not easy to make the choice to change your life-style. It can feel overwhelming and terrifying, and I speak from experience. Making the choice to make health a personal commitment and thus a professional commitment was scary. I had a whole slew of beliefs in my head about what I though people would think, and how they would act towards me, and all those thoughts were really negative. But the truth of the situation has been nothing but positive and encouraging. I am leading by example and helping people become better versions of themselves, which was why I became a life coach in the first place; and being fearful that someone might judge me for that, is simply ridiculous.

Whether you are trying to make a big decision for yourself, or looking to make a small change within yourself to better your life and hopefully the lives of those around you, you will know when you’re ready to act.

Here are some questions for you to think about:

What is the cost of postponing making a decision?

How do you know when you are ready to make a change in your life?

What are the internal clues that help you know that you are ready for change?

How have you let fear keep you from acting on a decision?

What has been your greatest accomplishment from making a seemingly tough life decision?

What words of wisdom can you share with others about making decisions?

What is the best possible outcome of making a decision? What is the worst?

I would love to hear what some of your thoughts are on this topic.

I hope you all are well,


Thursday, July 28, 2011

What do you do Daily to support your Health?

This is a question that I never gave much thought to, because I believed that I was a healthy individual. I lived my life in accordance to what I believed was healthy, but since I was not very clear on what exactly healthy meant to me, I know I was fooling myself into thinking that I was healthier than my reality. Sure I worked out, and ate what I thought was a “healthy” combination of foods, but there was no stable measurement to which I was holding myself accountable.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been examining and consciously changing my habits, in order to create a “norm” of what healthy means to me. I have discovered what foods make me feel great, what foods make me feel sluggish, and most importantly I have restructured my life around physical fitness. What I have discovered is this: I have the ability to push myself harder than I thought I could and I feel better than I ever have.

Working out can be daunting and scary, and when you allow yourself to get out of touch with working out, it sometimes feels impossible to take that first step and start back up. But what I have learned is that we are creatures of habit. If we allow our bodies to get comfortable in a sedentary life, our bodies will adapt to that life style choice. And conversely if we encourage our bodies to crave physical fitness, our bodies are capable of incredible feats. I am determined in my 31st year of life to achieve the best physical health that I have ever had.

Aside from feeling sexy and revived, mentally I am on fire. I am thinking of new ideas constantly, idea that excite me to the core, and I have a strong desire to share this feeling with everyone! There are people in my life who are passive individuals, who believe that good things happen to everyone else but them or that they are unlucky. Well, this simply is not true. If you want to create new energy and opportunity in your own life you have to start at the most core and fundamental level, your beliefs and values. Have an honest conversation with yourself, face your fears, and begin taking small steps to tackle them. I truly believe if you don’t feel good in your own skin, it is damn near impossible to feel good in other parts of your life. Take charge of your direction, and commit to living a healthier life.

Here are some questions for you to think about:

What does healthy mean to you?

What would a healthy life look like? What would it feel like?

How do you measure your own health?

What is one think you can commit to do daily to make a healthy life-style choice?

I have done a lot of work, and it’s only the beginning. I recognize that everyone is different, so I am not expecting you all to have the same amount of passion and commitment to health and fitness, but I am expecting you to have passion for yourself.

I am always here if you want to talk further, and I hope you will share some of your thoughts.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Natural Progression

Here I am on the brink of something new, however, this time what I am leaping into is fundamental to who I am, thus oddly familiar. For the majority of my adult life I have been seriously passionate with helping people achieve their highest potential, thus why I became a life coach. What I also discovered over the past 10 years, is that I thrive off of helping people also reach their highest potential in terms of their own health and fitness. It’s funny, I always knew in my soul, that one day I would be able to combine both of these passions into something larger, and like magic, it’s all happening. For the first time I can truly see the combination of my passions leading towards a type of personal fulfillment and success that I have always wanted. And for the first time I am not fearful of taking on this new identity and responsibility, in fact I want everyone to know what I am doing, because I am that proud.

What I know about myself in regards to starting new projects, is that I tend to get lost in the details and I often times set unrealistic goals for myself. So in order to stay on track and really build a solid foundation to growing my business, it is important to me to adhere to a schedule and be diligent about my time management. The other day, I realized that I have four different calendars going right now…that’s crazy!!! So in order, for me to be the most effective I am starting to organize myself in a way I have never done before, and it’s a challenge for me. I will be setting weekly goals for myself in terms of what I want to accomplish for my business, and what I want to accomplish organizationally. With this goal setting plan in action, I believe that I will thus be able to make much more realistic goals in general, and I will be able to reach them.

As you can tell, I am really excited about what’s going on in my life and although it’s all still coming together, I am ready to share my website with you all, and hope to continue to share with you my progress as I grow and build.

My new website is:

Here are a few questions for you to think about:

If you could naturally progress into what your passions are, where would you land?

What would it feel like to love what you do, and do what you love?

What obstacles stop you from your own success?

Thank you all for your cyber support, and I look forward to sharing more with you all soon.

As always, I’d love to hear from you,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Practice what you preach

Since the beginning of this year I have been reexamining and redefining my relationship with health and fitness. As many of you know, health and fitness are two principles that I value greatly, so to me it makes perfect sense that I am reevaluating and making changes in order to get the most out of my health and fitness.

For me the two go hand-in-hand with one another, and I cannot have one without the other. I started this process of assessment back in March, when I committed to a nutritional program for a month. The program was called ONVO, and it has changed my relationship with food for the better. At first I was terrified to commit to the program, because I thought it was going to be too hard and I believed that I would fail. So in my mind is was safer to not do, because then I couldn’t fail. But with the support of my family and friends, I choose to try it, and to my surprise it was not nearly as hard as I had thought. I am now close to two months out of the program, and I feel great. The most valuable lesson that I have learned from this process is to honor how I am feeling. When I eat clean, whole, nutritious foods, I feel great, on the flip side, when I eat some processed or junky foods I feel sluggish and hazy. But let’s be honest, sometimes eating chicken fingers and sipping on a beer is what I am craving…so I have it. The point for me is to remember how to get back to balance. If I’m going to have a binger of a night and or weekend, then I know that in order to feel good again, I make healthier choices. The beauty of maintaining my health and how I feel is that the choice is up to me.

I know for some people, me included, getting started on a different path is daunting and scary, and well worth the hard work. I take every opportunity possible to look back on what was, and compare it to what is…I love seeing and feeling progress.

Here are some questions for you to think about…start talking to your family and friends and create some positive energy!

Health and fitness are passions of mine, what is your passion?

What behaviors in your life directly effect how you are feeling?

What will it take for you to ignite your passions?

What would it feel like if your passion were a daily part of your life?

I am here for you, if you’d like any support or want to chat about this.

I would love it if you all would share your thoughts,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where to begin…here feels pretty good to me.

My last blog entry was in September, and that was a very long time ago, but I am back and ready to share so much with you all. Over the past 7 months my life has gone through many amazing and positive changes. In October I met a man who has changed my life in more ways than I would have ever imagined, I chose to quit a coaching job that I had for the past 8 years and begin to work at a new school, I have continued to write and perform with my band, I have decided to move, and I am currently making yet another career change…well, not so much a change but a dramatic addition to what I already do, and I can’t wait!

In all honesty my renewed sense of energy is coming from my decision to enhance my coaching career, but I’ll get back to that in a minute. As all these changes were happening in my life, I found myself in a peaceful place of allowance. I allowed myself to be open to the possibility of a loving, healthy, mature, and fun relationship, which I had never been able to do in my life previously. The beauty of what I am learning being in this relationship, is that when it is right, it’s easy. In the past, I tried unsuccessfully to micro-mange my relationships, always trying to “figure things out” and wondering, “what’s next?” but now I find myself not spending much, if any, energy contemplating those thoughts. I know in my heart, that no matter what happens everything is going to be ok, because I have a sense of trust in myself and in my partner that trumps any pointless worrying. I believe that the subsequent positive changes started to take place, because I freed up so much space in my heart and in my head, that I was finally able to clearly move forward. That has been the biggest learning that I have experienced. For so many years, and maybe even the majority of my adult life, I have been my own worst obstacle. Well, I am in the business of removing roadblocks these days…so watch out.

I am taking my life very seriously right now, I see the potential for a future that blows my mind, and I want to actively participate in it every step of the way. I am committing to becoming a fitness and health consultant, in addition to being a life coach, and I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I have always known in my heart that supporting people to be their best both physically and emotionally is an innate strength of mine. Over the years I have worked in many different areas that allowed me to tap into that desire of health and fitness, and now I am choosing to combine the two into one. I am extremely motivated to move forward in this direction for many reasons, but mainly I am pumped that I am creating a career around my core fundamental values and beliefs. Health and fitness are everything to me. I know that when I am out of balance in these two areas of my life, I am one unhappy girl. Now making the commitment to have my job centered on promoting health and fitness for others, I too will be creating life long balance for myself.

I hope you can sense my excitement; it feels to me that it is flying off the page!
Here are some questions for you to think about:
After taking a long break from something, how do you refocus your energy and come back to it?
How does it feel to come back to something?
What fear stops you from creating positive change in your life?
If you could create your ideal job or career built around your core values and beliefs, what would it be? What are the possibilities?
What obstacles are stopping you from creating the life you want?

I am so happy to be back and I am looking forward to connecting with you all!
