Thursday, July 28, 2011

What do you do Daily to support your Health?

This is a question that I never gave much thought to, because I believed that I was a healthy individual. I lived my life in accordance to what I believed was healthy, but since I was not very clear on what exactly healthy meant to me, I know I was fooling myself into thinking that I was healthier than my reality. Sure I worked out, and ate what I thought was a “healthy” combination of foods, but there was no stable measurement to which I was holding myself accountable.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been examining and consciously changing my habits, in order to create a “norm” of what healthy means to me. I have discovered what foods make me feel great, what foods make me feel sluggish, and most importantly I have restructured my life around physical fitness. What I have discovered is this: I have the ability to push myself harder than I thought I could and I feel better than I ever have.

Working out can be daunting and scary, and when you allow yourself to get out of touch with working out, it sometimes feels impossible to take that first step and start back up. But what I have learned is that we are creatures of habit. If we allow our bodies to get comfortable in a sedentary life, our bodies will adapt to that life style choice. And conversely if we encourage our bodies to crave physical fitness, our bodies are capable of incredible feats. I am determined in my 31st year of life to achieve the best physical health that I have ever had.

Aside from feeling sexy and revived, mentally I am on fire. I am thinking of new ideas constantly, idea that excite me to the core, and I have a strong desire to share this feeling with everyone! There are people in my life who are passive individuals, who believe that good things happen to everyone else but them or that they are unlucky. Well, this simply is not true. If you want to create new energy and opportunity in your own life you have to start at the most core and fundamental level, your beliefs and values. Have an honest conversation with yourself, face your fears, and begin taking small steps to tackle them. I truly believe if you don’t feel good in your own skin, it is damn near impossible to feel good in other parts of your life. Take charge of your direction, and commit to living a healthier life.

Here are some questions for you to think about:

What does healthy mean to you?

What would a healthy life look like? What would it feel like?

How do you measure your own health?

What is one think you can commit to do daily to make a healthy life-style choice?

I have done a lot of work, and it’s only the beginning. I recognize that everyone is different, so I am not expecting you all to have the same amount of passion and commitment to health and fitness, but I am expecting you to have passion for yourself.

I am always here if you want to talk further, and I hope you will share some of your thoughts.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Natural Progression

Here I am on the brink of something new, however, this time what I am leaping into is fundamental to who I am, thus oddly familiar. For the majority of my adult life I have been seriously passionate with helping people achieve their highest potential, thus why I became a life coach. What I also discovered over the past 10 years, is that I thrive off of helping people also reach their highest potential in terms of their own health and fitness. It’s funny, I always knew in my soul, that one day I would be able to combine both of these passions into something larger, and like magic, it’s all happening. For the first time I can truly see the combination of my passions leading towards a type of personal fulfillment and success that I have always wanted. And for the first time I am not fearful of taking on this new identity and responsibility, in fact I want everyone to know what I am doing, because I am that proud.

What I know about myself in regards to starting new projects, is that I tend to get lost in the details and I often times set unrealistic goals for myself. So in order to stay on track and really build a solid foundation to growing my business, it is important to me to adhere to a schedule and be diligent about my time management. The other day, I realized that I have four different calendars going right now…that’s crazy!!! So in order, for me to be the most effective I am starting to organize myself in a way I have never done before, and it’s a challenge for me. I will be setting weekly goals for myself in terms of what I want to accomplish for my business, and what I want to accomplish organizationally. With this goal setting plan in action, I believe that I will thus be able to make much more realistic goals in general, and I will be able to reach them.

As you can tell, I am really excited about what’s going on in my life and although it’s all still coming together, I am ready to share my website with you all, and hope to continue to share with you my progress as I grow and build.

My new website is:

Here are a few questions for you to think about:

If you could naturally progress into what your passions are, where would you land?

What would it feel like to love what you do, and do what you love?

What obstacles stop you from your own success?

Thank you all for your cyber support, and I look forward to sharing more with you all soon.

As always, I’d love to hear from you,
