So today marks two months until I turn 30, and in truth I am more than ready for what the next decade will offer me, which is a little surprising to be honest. For the majority of my life I viewed 30 as this huge milestone, which maybe it is, but I also had so many unreal expectations for myself, that I was basically terrified of turning 30.
From the time that I was little girl and even well into my early and mid-twenties, I held some beliefs that were not my own (I have no idea who’s they were, but clearly they were not mine) and in fact, they crippled me in many ways. I thought that by the time I turned 30, I would already be married and have some kids. When I found myself on that path in my early twenties, I was miserable and the least connected to myself, more so than I had been in any other time in my life. Now that’s not because I have anything against marriage or having children, in fact I’m super excited about both prospects, but I was racing towards several goals that I didn’t actually believe in. After plenty of life experiences and personal changes, a few years ago, I clearly dissolved those beliefs and created new ones. I realized that my actual timeline of life is vastly different than the one I created in my head when I was 7…and if I were living my life today with the expectations that I held when I was 7, well let’s just say I might run into a few bumps in the road.
So as I have grown older and wiser, I have very deliberately reviewed what beliefs I’m living my life by and have gotten rid of the ones that no longer apply. Basically, I have created a life that sets me up to be happy, fulfilled, and moving forward with purpose and excitement.
In terms of turning 30, I am psyched. I have never been happier, healthier, and ready to move forward welcoming the unknown.
Some food for thought:
Are there any old or new beliefs in your life that are steering you in a direction that does not necessarily align with what you actually want?
What fears come up around reviewing your most fundamental beliefs?
How could reviewing and updating your beliefs change your life?
I hope you all are well,