Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yay for today!

Today I woke up in one of my most favorite places on earth, San Fransisco. I am here with my best friend, and have four full days to roam around the city and connect with old friends. I am so happy to be here and want to take full advantage of this time.

San Fransisco, to me feels like my second home, which in my mind is pretty cool. So in order to take full advantage of my time here, I am focusing my energy on staying present in the moment, and remaining flexible. My friend and I have travelled together before, and I think we make good travel buddies, but when traveling with someone other than yourself, it is important to share your plans and hopes for what you want out of the trip, otherwise you may end up feeling disappointed.

So over a cup of some serious coffee, Mandy and I are going to map out what we both want out of the trip, and then we'll be off.

What traveling tips have you learned over the years?
How do you remain flexible while taking someone else's agenda into account?
When you think about your most memorible trips, can you identify what lead to that being the case, (was it circumstantial, a state of mind, the people you were with, expecting the unexpected)?

I hope you all are well, and please share your thoughts.

Later all,

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