Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And away we go...

This is my first posting to any blog, and to be honest, I'm a little nervous. What am I nervous about? Everything. I'm nervous about the fact that this blog has the potential to reach millions of people, and that I could potentially sound like an idiot. I'm nervous that no one will read my blog, I'm nervous for the typos that will undoubtedly flow from my finger tips, and lastly, I'm scared of putting myself out there. But what I do know, is that fear is debilitating, and I do not want to live in fear. So with that said, here I go. As I sit here thinking about what this blog means to me and what it means to move beyond my fear, I find myself being curious as to where else in my life is fear stopping me from moving forward? To some of you, posting on a blog may seem effortless and easy, and you maybe saying to yourself, "Wow, I can't believe she's scared of this..." But my question for you is, where in your life is fear holding you back? Please feel free to play with this idea, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the amazingly gentle reminder that FEAR serves no purpose in moving me forward. Without it, I can feel the momentum building toward the vision I have! Well spoken Talia. I am continuiously amazed by your abiliy to share such intimate learnings. Thank you for your courage!
