On the rare occasion that I find something lingering in my fridge that is well past its expiration date, I throw it away without much hesitation. In fact, I usually shy away from it, in case it’s totally gross, and feel quite satisfied and cleansed once its gone. I sometimes beat myself up and question why I wasted whatever it was, and furthermore I ask myself if I really wanted it in my fridge in the first place. The answer the later question, is usually no, I didn’t really want it, thus I forgot about it.
I am finding that right now in my life there are many things that are showing up as well past their expiration dates. However, I am not so skilled at throwing these things away. Now to be honest these things seem bit more complex than yogurt, but maybe they’re not? If I really asked myself the right questions, maybe I would find some ease and peace in this cleansing. One of my issues that I’m dealing with, is letting go of is a relationship that I have held on to for way too long. And after asking myself whether or not I really wanted this relationship in the first place, coming from the most honest depths of my being, the answer is no. So why is it still so hard to let go of? I know that getting rid of things that have turned out to be bad will only support me in furthering myself, but in the short term, the disappointment still stings a bit. So out of this whole situation, I am taking away a greater appreciation for myself, and a more solid understanding of my worth. In moving forward, the questions that keep presenting themselves to me are these: What do I really want? And how do I stay strong during this process?
What in your life is past is past its expiration date? And what is the cost of holding on to it?
I recently cleaned out my storage space. I found boxes upon boxes of the past (8+ years ago). There were photos, love notes, old school papers, junk! I had no idea how clensing it would be to finally clean out all that I had stored over that time frame. As I was going through it I allowed myself to see it for what it was, clutter in my life. With that, it made it easier for me to get rid of. Some of the past actually belonged to a relationship. I clearing out that storage space, I found what had been left behind for me to tend to. I boxed it up and shipped it off, with a letter. I've never felt so free of it... Thank you for reminding me of the clensing that takes place I allow myself the opportunity to face it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with this topic. I love your use of the term "clutter in my life". I am on the path of creating a life full of ease and beauty, and remembering that clutter can be seen and unseen, really helps me to stay aware to it's presence in my life. Given the fact that I want my life to be clean and spacious, I am finding so much joy in the clearing of the clutter. My cleaning, this time around, has come in the form of an unhealthy relationship, now I am curious as to where else in my life is the clutter that I am not aware of? Huh…you know what? This weekend, I will create a list of possible clutter and create a timeframe as to when I will get rid of it. Thanks Star! What will my life feel like without all the clutter? I don’t know, and I am ready to find out.