Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Standing Strong

This past weekend I found myself in a rather uncomfortable situation.  The details of what actually made me uncomfortable are not important, but how I handled myself and how I choose to deal with this situation is extremely important.  I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy connecting to and readjusting my core beliefs and values, so that I am living my life in alignment.  Out of this process I have come to recognize and appreciate who I am and who I want to be, thus I make choices to support my current values and beliefs.  When I was presented with the option of compromising who I am and what I stand for, there was absolutely no hesitation on my part to stand strong and continue to honor myself.

I wish I could say that this was the first time a situation like this has arisen, in which my values and beliefs have been challenged, and furthermore, I wish I could say that it will be the last.  But to look at this realistically, I know with certainty that I will be faced with and challenged by what the future has in store for me. However, with a strong and centered sense of self and with the commitment to honor myself, I have no doubts that I will address whatever is to come with confidence, courage and grace.  The questions that are presenting themselves to me around this issue are these:

How does it feel to live your life truthfully?
When you compromise your values, who are you serving?

I would love to open this discussion up and I invite you to share your thoughts. I hope all is well, and here's to a fresh perspective on the remaining days of the week.


  1. I will start this off...

    I believe challenges are forced upon us, for purposes and reasons. One can't live life, without dealing with certain things that make us vulnerable, and which in turn- eventually makes us stronger. To live life untruthfully, to me, is living life believing things can be perfect. Or even more than that, choosing to not understand or acknowledge that there are hardships and challenges in your life.

    To grow - is to learn from the mistakes and challenges that are put in front of you (no matter how obnoxious), and learn to rise above them.


  2. Devin,

    Thank you so much for sharing. You are absolutely right, every challenge that we are presented with (no matter how utterly obnoxious), is a perfect opportunity for us to learn and grow.

    Its funny, after going through so many challenges myself, and realizing that they were just going to keep on coming, I actually created an acronym for this exact situation… A.D.L.O. (another damn learning opportunity). When I am frustrated and or just trying to shift my perspective I often times will remind myself of this acronym and in the action of slowing down and trying to see the whole picture, I create a bit more lightness around the situation, and thus I am able to start the process of seeing my way out of the frustration.

    Devin, I appreciate your thoughts and I think your ability to recognize your own truth about the hardships and challenges that life has to offer, is quite insightful. Also, thank you so much for being the first person to step up and join in me in this process. You are very brave.

