As I am trying to get a new business off the ground I am reminded of some of my flaws in time management. I will be the first to admit, that creating a schedule is not the easiest for me to do, nor is it one of my strongest skills. Despite the fact that I know this about myself, I am still here dealing with it, yet again.
I am pretty aware of how I loose time. I loose time to Facebook, to my dog, to my relationships, to house work, to cooking, to cleaning, and pretty much to anything that keeps me from the real issue at hand. What am I avoiding? I’ll tell you what I’m avoiding, I have a belief that I am not good at organization and details, plain and simple. I have held this belief for so long, that I have given it a lot of power, power to manifest itself into truth. So here I am at a crossroads, I can either continue to hold this belief that I have and allow it to block me from moving forward, or I can choose to create a new belief.
I am going for the later, however, I will tell you this my old belief is strong and is not wanting to disappear quickly. I am struggling. In order for me to move through this, it is necessary for me to literally create a new belief system around how I want to create a positive and successful plan for running my business and managing my time. My new belief is this: Organization and paying attention to details is not scary, in fact when done properly these two skills can be extremely gratifying.
So that is my new belief, now how am I going to implement it? Here comes the work. I am working with my own Coach to help me set specific manageable goals weekly to get me organized and ready for action. Every week I am writing my goals down and sending them to her, so that she can assist me in staying accountable to myself. I am also scheduling out my days differently than I have in the past. Since I have a fair amount of flexibility in my work schedule, I find that I get occupied with other things before attending to work, thus mis-managing my time. This week I am going to start scheduling my days and weeks differently. Right now, I have numerous calendars; one on my phone, one on my computer, and a paper one that I tote around in my bag…. and I don’t think that is helping my cause at all. I am feeling that it is important to have one central calendar. So this week, I am consolidating all my calendars and next week, I will start the week off with one….I’ll let you know how it goes.
Even writing this feels a little overwhelming. All that said, I want to be successful, thus it is imperative for me to make some changes.
Here are a few questions for you to ponder:
What do you get lost in?
How do you manage your time?
Do you have a belief that is holding you back from becoming something greater than you are? If so, what is it? What are you willing to do about it?
Have you ever intentionally changed a belief?
Part of my process of moving forward and keeping myself accountable is attending to this blog more often. Getting my thoughts out and sharing them with you all, gets me pretty fired up. I am hoping that this blog will become a bit more cohesive and will grow, as I do.
Thanks for all your support, and as always I’d love to hear from you.
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