Thursday, September 17, 2009

Open to a loving the madness.

The past few weeks have been absolutely nuts in my life. My life has a tendency to be filled with randomness and excitement, but what has happened lately is different from anything that I can recall. From someone re-entering my life, whom I had 100% written off and had moved on from, to amazing travels, and the potential of something new and totally crazy, I am convinced that all of this is happening for a reason....not a celestial reason, but rather that I am at a place in my life to welcome and be okay with whatever comes my way.

Now, I'm not sitting here saying 'look at me, my life is SOOOO perfect", actually what I am saying is this, "Yea, this is crazy and totally unexpected, and I'm ready to face it all head on and am ready to go." Over the past few years I have done a lot of personal work on myself to prepare myself for what is happening now. I'm sure to some of you the term 'personal work' is completely unappealing and most likely conjures up some sort of negative connotation, but what I have experienced and has been nothing short of an awesome ride, with many ups and downs. There are many lessons that I am trying to learn and have not yet been able to fully incorporate into my life, but with that said, the knowing of what I'm striving for helps to keep me grounded and moving in a positive direction no matter what.

When I find myself over thinking my life, which I do often even when it's all good, I find myself trying to predict or manipulate the future... I'm pretty crafty, but I'm not super human, so spending all this energy trying to figure out the "what's next?" is kind of pointless. It's somewhat of an impossibility for me to say that I have no expectations of what's to come, because I do, however, the future is out of my control. So what I am focusing on is this, moving forward with passion and truth, and being unattached to the outcome.

The people in my life who know me best, know that I live fully and give my all when I am excited about what's going on, and they have also witnessed some of my major disappointments. I don't want to be disappointed anymore, so with that I am creating this intention: I experience life as it comes without attachment to it's outcome, so that I can fully appreciate what is happening in the moment and make changes based on truth and not on expectations.

If you could take a few moments time to create a statement of intent for how you would like to move forward from this moment on, what would it be?

Please share what you come up with or let's just talk about it.

Hope you're all well,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yay for today!

Today I woke up in one of my most favorite places on earth, San Fransisco. I am here with my best friend, and have four full days to roam around the city and connect with old friends. I am so happy to be here and want to take full advantage of this time.

San Fransisco, to me feels like my second home, which in my mind is pretty cool. So in order to take full advantage of my time here, I am focusing my energy on staying present in the moment, and remaining flexible. My friend and I have travelled together before, and I think we make good travel buddies, but when traveling with someone other than yourself, it is important to share your plans and hopes for what you want out of the trip, otherwise you may end up feeling disappointed.

So over a cup of some serious coffee, Mandy and I are going to map out what we both want out of the trip, and then we'll be off.

What traveling tips have you learned over the years?
How do you remain flexible while taking someone else's agenda into account?
When you think about your most memorible trips, can you identify what lead to that being the case, (was it circumstantial, a state of mind, the people you were with, expecting the unexpected)?

I hope you all are well, and please share your thoughts.

Later all,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Now, isn't this a fun pattern…

So this past week marks the second time my purse has been stolen out of my car from the same location. I know what you’re thinking, “Wow, you would think once would have been enough to learn that lesson”, well apparently not. The irony of the latest incident was I actually had the thought as I left my purse, which had both my phone and iPod in it, in my car, that as my Father would say, “You’re crusin’ for a brusin’”…and he was right. As pissed as I was, I really only had myself to blame.

So after dealing with the annoying aftermath of not having a phone, being pissed about losing my favorite purse, and cancelling all my credit cards and bank accounts, I slowed my mind enough to sort out what this event was really all about. And what I came up with is this: I have created a belief that it is necessary for me to learn lessons the hard way.

Huh, well that sucks.

I have spent some more time thinking about the deeper meaning of this belief, that I have been living with for the majority of my life, and what I have decided, is that this belief no longer suits me, and to be honest I’m not sure it has suited me at all. This belief is not limited to my leaving purses in cars, in fact it is most clearly evident in my relationship patterns…I stay involved and connected to relationships both platonically and romantically well past their expiration date. What I have realized is that, I have had a really difficult time being honest with myself in terms of when to change my behavior... meaning that I usually recognize when I am no longer benefiting from a situation, but taking the necessary steps to change that situation seem to lag way behind.

I am tired of living by extreme life lessons. Instead I choose to stay present and recognize when things require adjustments and making those adjustments in a much quicker fashion, if not immediately. Since this is a patterned behavior that I have been living with for many many years now, I am really going to try to be gentle with myself throughout this process of redefining my new belief, which is this: I trust my intuition and make the necessary changes in my daily life, no matter how significant, so that I set myself up for success.

So here are some questions that may help you to identify a destructive pattern in your own life that is keeping you down…

Is there something in your life that constantly has you saying, “Why is this happening…again?” If so, what are you doing or not doing that is causing this to be the case?

Where in your life can you connect the dots, meaning can you see if there are other areas in your life that are not the way you desire them to be, in order to determine if you are living a belief or a pattern that is no longer serving you?

What is keeping you from modifying your behavior in order to create a different outcome?

What is your desired outcome?

I hope this is a helpful discussion and some food for thought. Here’s to moving forward with purpose and intention.

I hope to hear from you,
