Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Practice what you preach

Since the beginning of this year I have been reexamining and redefining my relationship with health and fitness. As many of you know, health and fitness are two principles that I value greatly, so to me it makes perfect sense that I am reevaluating and making changes in order to get the most out of my health and fitness.

For me the two go hand-in-hand with one another, and I cannot have one without the other. I started this process of assessment back in March, when I committed to a nutritional program for a month. The program was called ONVO, and it has changed my relationship with food for the better. At first I was terrified to commit to the program, because I thought it was going to be too hard and I believed that I would fail. So in my mind is was safer to not do, because then I couldn’t fail. But with the support of my family and friends, I choose to try it, and to my surprise it was not nearly as hard as I had thought. I am now close to two months out of the program, and I feel great. The most valuable lesson that I have learned from this process is to honor how I am feeling. When I eat clean, whole, nutritious foods, I feel great, on the flip side, when I eat some processed or junky foods I feel sluggish and hazy. But let’s be honest, sometimes eating chicken fingers and sipping on a beer is what I am craving…so I have it. The point for me is to remember how to get back to balance. If I’m going to have a binger of a night and or weekend, then I know that in order to feel good again, I make healthier choices. The beauty of maintaining my health and how I feel is that the choice is up to me.

I know for some people, me included, getting started on a different path is daunting and scary, and well worth the hard work. I take every opportunity possible to look back on what was, and compare it to what is…I love seeing and feeling progress.

Here are some questions for you to think about…start talking to your family and friends and create some positive energy!

Health and fitness are passions of mine, what is your passion?

What behaviors in your life directly effect how you are feeling?

What will it take for you to ignite your passions?

What would it feel like if your passion were a daily part of your life?

I am here for you, if you’d like any support or want to chat about this.

I would love it if you all would share your thoughts,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where to begin…here feels pretty good to me.

My last blog entry was in September, and that was a very long time ago, but I am back and ready to share so much with you all. Over the past 7 months my life has gone through many amazing and positive changes. In October I met a man who has changed my life in more ways than I would have ever imagined, I chose to quit a coaching job that I had for the past 8 years and begin to work at a new school, I have continued to write and perform with my band, I have decided to move, and I am currently making yet another career change…well, not so much a change but a dramatic addition to what I already do, and I can’t wait!

In all honesty my renewed sense of energy is coming from my decision to enhance my coaching career, but I’ll get back to that in a minute. As all these changes were happening in my life, I found myself in a peaceful place of allowance. I allowed myself to be open to the possibility of a loving, healthy, mature, and fun relationship, which I had never been able to do in my life previously. The beauty of what I am learning being in this relationship, is that when it is right, it’s easy. In the past, I tried unsuccessfully to micro-mange my relationships, always trying to “figure things out” and wondering, “what’s next?” but now I find myself not spending much, if any, energy contemplating those thoughts. I know in my heart, that no matter what happens everything is going to be ok, because I have a sense of trust in myself and in my partner that trumps any pointless worrying. I believe that the subsequent positive changes started to take place, because I freed up so much space in my heart and in my head, that I was finally able to clearly move forward. That has been the biggest learning that I have experienced. For so many years, and maybe even the majority of my adult life, I have been my own worst obstacle. Well, I am in the business of removing roadblocks these days…so watch out.

I am taking my life very seriously right now, I see the potential for a future that blows my mind, and I want to actively participate in it every step of the way. I am committing to becoming a fitness and health consultant, in addition to being a life coach, and I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I have always known in my heart that supporting people to be their best both physically and emotionally is an innate strength of mine. Over the years I have worked in many different areas that allowed me to tap into that desire of health and fitness, and now I am choosing to combine the two into one. I am extremely motivated to move forward in this direction for many reasons, but mainly I am pumped that I am creating a career around my core fundamental values and beliefs. Health and fitness are everything to me. I know that when I am out of balance in these two areas of my life, I am one unhappy girl. Now making the commitment to have my job centered on promoting health and fitness for others, I too will be creating life long balance for myself.

I hope you can sense my excitement; it feels to me that it is flying off the page!
Here are some questions for you to think about:
After taking a long break from something, how do you refocus your energy and come back to it?
How does it feel to come back to something?
What fear stops you from creating positive change in your life?
If you could create your ideal job or career built around your core values and beliefs, what would it be? What are the possibilities?
What obstacles are stopping you from creating the life you want?

I am so happy to be back and I am looking forward to connecting with you all!
