Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get up and go

So to say that business has been slow, is a bit of an understatement. When I set out to start my business as a life coach, I knew that I would face challenges of starting a new business, but I never anticipated such a drastic down turn in the economy. In order to stay afloat, I am finding the need to be extremely resourceful in my marketing tactics, and slowly it’s paying off. 

What is helping me the most is asking for what I want, and focusing my energy and intention towards that goal of gaining new clients.  In coaching there is a model that we use in order to set the ball in motion of getting what we want, it’s called the I+A=M model or the Intention + Attention = Manifestation.

Right now my intention is to gain new clients so that I can promote my business and so that I can help people live fulfilled lives.  I stay positive, and continue to seek out new ways to introduce coaching to all who are willing to listen. I am also taking advantage of this down time to focus on my well-being.  I know that I am only able to give my best when I feel my best.  I have a choice every day when I wake up, I can sit around and wait for client’s to fall into my lap, which hasn’t really happened yet, or I can choose to be active in promoting myself and continue to model living a fulfilled life for myself and for my potential clients. When I am clear on my intention, and why it’s important to me, focusing my attention towards my goal becomes easy and gratifying.

So yeah, things are tough right now and they are tough for everyone.  I believe that what I have to offer the world is so valuable that I am motivated and encouraged to do all that I can to get business. I also believe that it is important to give a little to get a little.  

Here are a few things to think about:

Where in your life are you focusing your attention?

If you could ask for what you want, what would you ask for?

How do you support yourself when you feel down?

How do you find motivation to get up and go?


I hope you are all well, and enjoying life. It is finally summer here in Seattle, which is pretty nice if you ask me.


I invite you to share your thoughts on the blog, let’s get a conversation started.



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Barking up the right tree

For the past month and a half I have been in the decision making process of getting a puppy, and this last week, I sealed the deal and picked up my precious little puppy.  I have wanted a puppy for as long as I can remember, and many times in the past I had been very close to getting one, but my intuition always kicked in and told me that I was not ready for such a life altering commitment. Throughout the process of deciding if this was a good choice for me to make or not, many issues surfaced that that really surprised me. For instance the main fear that I was having about getting a puppy was that with this choice I would lose all my flexibility and freedom.  Another issue that came to the surface was that of commitment.

The issue of making the commitment struck me hard. The belief that was operating beneath the surface was that since I had failed in staying in a committed relationship with a person, I began to believe that I could not commit to a dog.  After some good coaching and thinking on the subject of commitment, I came to realize that I was scaring myself out of opportunity and unconditional love.  I was displacing my failed relationship, which failed many many years ago, onto my current self and current life, and thankfully I have grown enormously since then, and those fears no longer serve me. Instead of fearing the commitment, I embraced it and choose to look at getting Lulu, my puppy, as a stepping-stone to learning what it means to be committed to something that will be there for me no matter what. The positives strongly out weighed the negatives in concerning this issue.  Realizing that getting a dog would undoubtedly change my life, I decided that I was ready to welcome the challenges with an open heart and sense of maturity that had been lacking from my life.

I have had Lulu, for not even a week, and the amount of love and joy I get from her is immeasurable. I am recognizing many hidden talents and strengths, like the ability to be deep in a conversation, and from the corner of my eye see that Lulu is eating my sandals, and that I actually don’t’ need as much sleep as I thought I did.  Thus far I am delighted with my decision, and I cannot see that shifting.

I am pretty sure that having Lulu, in my life will also fuel many a blog posts, so stay tuned.


The questions I have for you are these:

What are you denying yourself out of fear?

What are the costs of you’re denying?

When you listen to your intuition, are you really denying yourself?

How do you know when you are ready for a life altering decision?

Alright, I am headed out for the evening, which means Lulu will be in her crate…neither one of us are big fans of this..wish us luck!


I can’t wait to hear from you all,
